Week 2 Nearpod, Prezi and Read Aloud



It is a multimedia presentation and feedback tool. The input can be in the form of text, images and video. The feedback can be in the form of multiple choice, short answers and even drawings. It isn't a great tool for differentiation, but it allows a teacher to keep everyone lockstep on the same page, literally. That can provide a great bonus in terms of concentration as students won't be distracted by other pages on their devices.

Below is a NearPod lesson you could use in class. It is a student paced version - great for homework or remote learning situations. Try it!

There are a lot of free, high quality lessons you can use. If you have a free account,you can still have 40 students using this software

Here is a snapshot of some other resources in the NearPod library:

Check out the library here: https://nearpod.com/t/market/init

Click on the image below to view a Prezi on Improving Teaching with Technology

Image of improving teaching with technology
Improving Teaching with Technology

This allows zooming and provides more context than a PowerPoint. There is a steeper learning curve to master this than PowerPoint, but it is well worth the effort if you want to give a presentation to your class, fellow teachers or at a conference. 

Sign up with an educational email - one that has .edu. in it, such as your Curtin email. You can create 5 free Prezis with it.

There will be tons of "How to videos" on Youtube, in Prezi and on Vimeo. If you find a really good one, place a link to it in the comments section.

Action! Put a link to a video you make, however short, in the Discussion Board. 

2. Read Aloud

This is an extension for Chrome, Firefox and Edge that allows students to get the text in a webpage to be read aloud. You can select which text to get read out, which is a real help. 

You can get the extension here:

Read Aloud extension from: 

Or get it in the Chrome Store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/read-aloud-a-text-to-spee/hdhinadidafjejdhmfkjgnolgimiaplp



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